So, why Hoopla?
Of all the streaming services provided by Rose Memorial Library, Hoopla is the one that comes closest to replacing all of your paid subscription services – like Netflix, HBO, Audible, or Spotify. Unlike other media sites, Hoopla has the widest variety of content. It also has no wait time on up to 4 titles each month, which means you can dive right into the content you want. After playing around with this service, which can be used either as an app, or on a computer (or really any device), I would highly recommend signing up for Hoopla if…
-You are on a budget. Subscription services add up, and have sneaky fees.
-You have kids and don’t want to pay for kids content, like Disney+ (more on Hoopla Kids below).
-You like exploring music but don’t know where exactly to find it. And you enjoy listening to an artist’s entire album.
-And lastly, if you love all things British! Hoopla has a great selection of British TV show.
With Hoopla, your library card lets you instantly read, listen, and watch content – eBooks, magazines, audiobooks, movies, music, comics, television, and even online classes. That’s a lot of content!
Some content is eligible for BingePass. With the BingePass you can check out an entire series, like the Great Courses Collection, using just one of your four checkouts; and borrow the series for a stretch of days. This is a great way to learn a new topic with professional instructors – from Art, to Zoology. You will see your BingePass titles in your “borrowed” tab. And if it expires, no worries! You can check it out again with no wait. One thing to note, BingePass titles are only available for streaming, not download.
As mentioned, Rose Memorial Library allows you to borrow up to 4 Hoopla titles each month with no waiting. But good news, August is Bonus Borrow Month, which means lots of popular titles are eligible for instant access through the end of August.
Check out these thoughtful collections curated in honor of Bonus Borrow Month: All Things British, Bingeworthy Series, STEAM and more.
Get Connected
Go to hoopladigital.com
· Search for Rose Memorial Library
· Enter your library card number and pin
· Provide an email address and password
OR download the Hoopla app. To use, you will need your Rose Memorial Library card number and PIN, and a valid email address.
Hoopla Kids
Hoopla has two modes that you can switch between, like profiles on Netflix. Switching to Kid Mode will show you family friendly content like Harry Potter, The Bad Seed, Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Disney titles and superhero reads. Kids can live stream shows like Wild Kratz and Daniel Tiger, as well as listen to kid friendly music like Kidz Bop, movie soundtracks and singalongs. Hoopla Kids is great for the car!
Recommended kids collections:
Incredibly engaging, interactive, and educational, Hellosaurus puts kids ages 2 to 8 IN their favorite shows. One borrow gets them all the Hellosaurus they want for 7 days.