To the Patrons of Rose Memorial Library and Residents of Stony Point,
Rose Memorial Library’s request to place a measure on the November 8, 2022 ballot for funding to purchase, renovate, and operate the historic schoolhouse at 117 W Main Street as a new library and center for community gathering, learning, creating and connecting has been denied in court. We are disappointed the Judge ruled as she did, but we respect her decision about a point of law.
While the petition errors were caused by the well-intentioned attempt by the library to assist the Town Clerk, we are disheartened, not only in the opposition received from the Town of Stony Point government from the beginning, but also for their disregard of the overwhelming response received from the community. Only 629 signatures were required and the library was able to obtain almost 1000 signatures from registered Stony Point voters in just two-and-a-half weeks. It is obvious that the voters of Stony Point wanted this issue included on the ballot. We hope that going forward that the will of the voters of Stony Point will be respected and honored.
We remain committed to serving the Town of Stony Point, and will continue to work with all stakeholders on next steps for a vibrant future for this library and community. We wish to thank everyone who helped us envision and promote the library expansion project! We know that even though there might be some bumps in the road, together we can go far.
With sincerest appreciation,
The Board of Rose Memorial Library